Money in Today’s Economy -- get it, save it, manage it, protect it.... -- Our October Camp welcomes back seminar instructor Judy Copenbarger, financial manager to the masses. Are you not so great at money? Time to learn, girlfriend. This enlightening workshop will educate, encourage and entertain, as Judy uncovers the truth behind earning, spending, investing, protecting and managing your cash in this ever-changing world. Each attendee will walk away with practical ideas and tools which can be immediately implemented to make a difference in your financial life and your future. Empower yourself with this incredibly impactful financial education. What a great seminar for your girlfriend getaway.
Judy Copenbarger Returns for October 2-4 Camp
Our Hearts Belongs to Tie Dye
When you attend Camp GetAway, you discover we put our whole heart into the Tie Dye activity. Pack at least one white cotton PREWASHED thing and learn to make beautiful heart designs like these. All it takes is a rather thin fabric (like t-shirt), rubber bands, marbles and patience.
Weather is Warming, Camp is Coming
We see a noticible jump in web traffic when the weather starts warming up. That means our campers are dreaming about getting away. October may seem like a very long time from now, but it shows up FAST. Getting a gaggle of girlfriends together also takes a lot of wrangling. If you want to have a Camp GetAway weekend, start the process now, no waiting. Summer comes and our brains go to mush until those kids are back in school and then, waaaaaa, it might be too late to register! Watch for camp emails and get registered.