Stressed-out campers, eager for a getaway may want to pack everything including the kitchen sink. And while it is important to remember the essentials, there are some items that are better to FORGET (in other words, leave at home):
Forget laptops. Electronic notepads may have replaced paper ones as something we rarely leave home without. But expensive electronics are the last thing to bring to Camp. Besides being somewhat dirty and grimy outdoors here, hanging out inside a cabin is crazy! Personal electronics, from laptops to blackberries, cut people off from others.
Forget jewelry. Easily lost or damaged during a busy weekend, earrings and rings can come loose and sink quickly to the bottom of a lagoon. Necklaces and bracelets may get snagged on branches during nature hikes or inadvertently drop off after a clothing change for a spa treatment.
Forget treasured accessories. Your new Fendi purse or Oliver Peoples sunglasses are just asking to land in a mud puddle or go overboard when canoeing. Or just as bad, gooped up with the stuff that are part of Camp weekend: massage oil, sunscreen, bug repellant, roasted marshmallows and mosaic craft grout!
Forget posh clothes. Pack wearables that can get dirty or lost, period. As with any vacation, if you pack hoping for the best and planning for the worst, you’ll not be heartbroken.
Forget inhibitions. Not everyone attended camp as a kid. As a result, it may be scary or unpleasant at first. But being surrounded by an army of very excited fellow campers is the perfect time to let your hair down. Try anything and everything, especially if it's something you would not normally try at home.
Worried you won’t enjoy Camp GetAway? Fuggedaboudit!
Things to Forget
Tips for Camp Fun