Football games for Oct. 24-26 weekend:
- USC vs. Arizona
- UCLA vs. Cal
- Oregon vs. ASU
- Alabama vs. Tennessee
- Georgia vs. Alabama
- Michigan vs. Michigan State
- Miami vs. New Orleans
Where Women Feel Like Kids Again
Football games for Oct. 24-26 weekend:
OK, you've arrived at Camp, having packed your 3 items to tie-dye, you look at the itinerary and FREAK because there are so much to do, how to get it all in?? Here's a little help:
Admittedly, we surprised ourselves by adding another Scrapbook Camp in 2008, our facility is usually totally sold out. But to our pleasure, the weekend of October 24-26 became available and we grabbed it! If you love to crop, but have no time at home to enjoy your scrapbooking craft, join us for a well-earned retreat. $285 registration. You can read more on the website HERE: Only 16 spaces are available.
In the washing machine, yup -- unzip, stuff it in, add a SMALL amount of detergent, run on cold or warm, the machine won't be able to totally spin out the water (be close by in case it gets off-balance), then be prepared to RUN with a drippy thing to hang on the line. What's that, you say? Don't have a CLOTHESLINE?? Puhleez, girl. Go online and order a Retractable Clothesline like THIS ONE, there are several choices out there. One or two nails into the fence and screw in some sort of hook across the way, there ya go. Totally Martha.