OK, you've arrived at Camp, having packed your 3 items to tie-dye, you look at the itinerary and FREAK because there are so much to do, how to get it all in?? Here's a little help:
- Friday nite is the TIE clinic. Relaxing time to twist, knot, rubber band.
- Tieing takes much longer than dying.
- Saturday, we dye practically all day, DON'T WORRY, you have plenty of time.
- Look at your Saturday schedule and decide which other things to do. Then, find an hour in there to drizzle your dyes.
- Don't fret if you cannot get to the craft sink to rinse. Just leave your knotted, colored thing right there and go play!! Come back later to rinse and hang dry. Just PLEASE NO RINSING IN CABINS. Patti has taken full-dye things home and rinsed there.
- Weather permitting, we'll leave clotheslines up over night for more drying. If yours is still damp, remove the rubber bands, stick in a plastic bag and finish at home.