Occasionally, Camp GetAway hosts a “scrapbook camp,” we have one coming up October 24-26. From our experience, here are some insider tips for attendees of ANY getaway for scrapbooking:
1. Read all your attendance materials when you receive them, don’t wait until a few days before the getaway. Helpful info pops out at you. For example, for a camp in the mountains, a minor but very important detail is bringing a really strong flashlight, since its pitch dark after sundown.
2. Pack an additional small table lamp. Yes, the lighting in your crop room may be perfect. Or no, you may find yourself wishing for a little more light directed specifically on your spot. Your own lamp, put it where you want.
3. Pack and bring… everything. Heck, why not? You can always leave a bunch of stuff in your car, but what if you finish your first AND second projects and really wish you had the photos for your third? Fill ‘er up.
4. No need to pre-purchase “just in case” supplies. Just bring your checkbook. Supplies abound at these retreats and there is usually something you see you’d like to use in your project. Buy it on-site.
5. Don’t panic when you first arrive. The natural tendency is to feel overwhelmed with all you wish to accomplish and fearful that you won’t reach your goals. No worries, once you are at your retreat, take a deep breath, wrap your head around what you want to do FIRST and start. SECOND comes right after that. You will be amazed at how much you accomplish.
6. Treat yourself to massages or wine tasting or hikes while there. A retreat is just that – getting away from your daily routine. Added activities will greatly enhance your experience and return you to your family refreshed, but also having accomplished your big goal, massive cropping.
7. If you don’t have a cropping buddy to attend with you, come solo. Women are women, and within a short amount of time, fellow croppers are your girlfriends. No loneliness happens at these retreats.
Enjoy your autumn and Good Cropping!
How to Prep for a Scrapbook Retreat
Scrapbook GetAway